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Sonya Douglas
<h1>Sonya Douglas</h1>
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<h4>Sonya Douglas</h4>
<p><strong>Position</strong><br />Founder & Director<br />Principal Accredited Practising Dietitian<br />Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician<br /><strong>Pronouns</strong><br />She/Her<br /><strong>Availability</strong><br />Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat<br />In-person & Telehealth</p>
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<h3>My Story</h3>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Ciao, I’m Sonya.</p><p style="font-weight: 400;">At the young age of 25, I opened Dietwise, now my 32-year-old labour of love. I am as passionate about my craft today as I was when I graduated in 1989. Leading our team of friendly, fun, and dedicated humans fills my cup every day and I can never imagine myself doing anything else. My career has been a rainbow of colours. From flying around in helicopters for corporate nutrition work for BHP, being an expert witness in a legal case, supervising Masters’ students, university lecturing, speaking gigs, board Director of Dietitians Australia, Head of Department at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital to establishing a nutrition service in the North Metro new Mental Health Unit. My career has been rich and rewarding every step of the way,</p><p style="font-weight: 400;">Thirty four years of clinical experience, lived experience of trauma and ADHD, and being a mother to 4 exceptional young men have gifted me with a tapestry woven full of diverse experiences laying a rich foundation for my work alongside clients at Dietwise. This is particularly helpful in my often complex work with weight and body image concerns, disordered eating, eating disorders, neurodivergence and menopause to name a few.</p><p style="font-weight: 400;">With an Italian heritage and love of the Mediterranean diet, I believe the dinner table should be the heart of every home (acknowledging the dinner table can be challenging for some people). It can represent a place of gratitude and connection with others, and a space to rediscover the joy of food, eating and body peace by using your body’s inner wisdom. I am a carb-loving non-diet Dietitian, using a weight-neutral approach and practising Health At Every Size<sup>®</sup> (HAES<sup>®</sup>). I believe eating is an act of self-care to feed, fuel, repair, renourish, connect, and bring joy underpinning every aspect of my work. I am so glad you found me and my team, including our friendly Dietwise dogs, and I warmly welcome you to Dietwise.</p>
<h4>Training & Credentials</h4>
<ul><li>Bachelor of Science (Nutrition and Food Science)- Curtin University</li><li>Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics- Curtin University</li><li>Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician (CEDC)- ANZAED</li><li>Skills Based CBT-E Clinical Workshop- University of Oxford</li><li>Enhanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT-E) for Eating Disorders- WAEDOCS</li><li>Eating Disorder Training Essentials and Masterclass for Dietitians- WAEDOCS</li><li>Cognitive Behavioural Therapy- Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (CBT-AR) – WAEDOCS</li><li>Understanding the Principles & Complexities of ARFID Management for Dietitians- WAEDOCS</li><li>Temperament-Based Treatment with Supports (TBT-S)</li><li>Neurodiversity Affirming Dietetic Care- The Mindful Dietitian</li><li>Youth Mental Health First Aider- MHFA</li><li>The Low FODMAP Diet for IBS- Monash University</li><li>Dietetic Essentials For ARFID: Across the Spectrum of Care - WAEDOCS</li><li>Your Feeding Toolkit & ARFID: The Anxious Eater - Melanie Potock</li><li>Paediatric Eating and Feeding Course for Dietitians - Maddie Todd</li></ul>
<ul><li>Weight Concerns- Health at Every Size Approach (HAES<sup>Ò</sup>)</li><li>Disordered Eating</li><li>Eating Disorders- Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder (BED), ARFID & OSFED</li><li>Autism & ADHD</li><li>General Healthy Eating</li><li>IBS & Low FODMAP Diet</li><li>Gut Issues- Coeliac Disease, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Reflux, Diverticular Disease, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Gastroparesis & Pancreatic Insufficiency</li><li>High Cholesterol</li><li>Fatty Liver</li><li>High Blood Pressure</li><li>PoTs</li><li>Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Insulin Resistance & Type 2 Diabetes</li><li>Women’s Health– PCOS, Endometriosis, Fertility & Pregnancy</li><li>Osteoporosis & Osteopenia</li><li>Iron Deficiency Anaemia & Haemochromatosis</li><li>Intolerances– Gluten & Lactose </li><li>Underweight & Malnutrition</li><li>Vegan & Vegetarian Diets</li><li>Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies</li></ul>
<ul><li>Dietitians Australia (DA)</li><li>Australia & New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED)</li><li>National Eating Disorder Collaboration (NEDC)</li><li>Academy for Eating Disorders (AED)</li><li>International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians (IFEDD)</li><li>Eating Disorder Registered Dietitians & Professionals (EDRDPro)</li><li>Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH)</li><li>ADHD WA</li><li>North American Menopause Society (NAMS)</li><li>Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association (ANZMHA)</li></ul>
<h4>A quote I taught my sons</h4>
<p>"The standard you walk past is the standard you accept”- David Morrison</p>
<h4>Something not many people know about me</h4>
My heritage is Italian, Austrian, and German. My dad decided to change our surname from Di Nardo to Douglas in 1980 as the spelling was challenging and being Italian was not fantastico like it is now.
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Eryn Richards
<h1>Eryn Richards</h1>
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<h4>Eryn Richards</h4>
<p><strong>Position</strong><br />Accredited Practising Dietitian<br />Accredited Nutritionist<br />Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician<br /><strong>Pronouns</strong><br />She/Her<br /><strong>Availability</strong><br />Thur <br />In-person & Telehealth</p>
<h3>My Story</h3>
<p>Hey, I’m Eryn, boss mum of Eddie!</p><p>Growing up in a family that includes a nurse, an occupational therapist and a couple of physiotherapists who are very passionate about their jobs, I had no choice but to pursue a career in health. Along with my love of food, I decided it would be a great idea to do something that combines both- health and nutrition. One day after a tunnel of university studies, I woke up as an Accredited Practising Dietitian and I haven’t looked back, embracing every opportunity. I feel extremely lucky, as I absolutely love what I do.</p><p>I have worked for several health services including Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Bunbury Regional Hospital. I then became a bit tired of our fine, gorgeous, predictable weather here in Perth and decided to change my scenery by moving to British Columbia, Canada to gain international experience. Between my weekends exploring the island of Victoria or venturing to the mainland to hike in the summer and snowboarding in the winter, I worked for Island Health. This involved covering various inpatient and outpatient areas at Victoria General Hospital, Royal Jubilee Hospital and Cowichan District Hospital.</p><p>I have gained a wide range of experience in the areas of mental health, gastroenterology, neurology, oncology, and heart health. I’ve enjoyed various aspects of all my prior work but particularly loved working as part of the multidisciplinary team at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital treating all patients admitted with an eating disorder. This is where my special interest in disordered eating and eating disorders began and this special interest continued to flourish when I worked in mental health in Canada. After returning from overseas, I joined my amazing team at Dietwise. I feel so grateful to get to continue working in my area of interest, whilst taking the time to get to know my patients and the journeys that have led them to Dietwise. I have been described as calm and serene and together with my pal Eddie we create a warm, welcoming, and safe environment. I feel extremely lucky, as I absolutely love what I do. </p><p>When I am not at work, you will likely find me at the beach or camping with my partner and of course Eddie.</p>
<h4>Training & Credentials</h4>
<ul><li>Master of Dietetics- Curtin University</li><li>Bachelor of Science – Nutrition- Curtin University</li><li>Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician- (CEDC)- ANZAED</li><li>Eating Disorder Training Essentials for Dietitians- WAEDOCS</li><li>Understanding the Principles & Complexities of ARFID Management for Dietitians- WAEDOCS</li><li>The Low FODMAP Diet for IBS- Monash University</li><li>Understanding the Complexities and Management of Binge Eating Disorder (BED) - WAEDOCS</li><li>Implementing a Health At Every Size® Framework for Dietetic Practice - WAEDOCS</li><li>Understanding the Principles & Complexities of ARFID Management for Dietitians - WAEDOCS</li><li>Your Feeding Toolkit & ARFID: The Anxious Eater - Melanie Potock</li><li>Paediatric Eating and Feeding Course for Dietitians - Maddie Todd</li></ul>
<ul><li>Weight Concerns- Health at Every Size Approach (HAES<sup>Ò</sup>)</li><li>Disordered Eating</li><li>Picky Eating & Paediatric Feeding Difficulties</li><li>Eating Disorders- Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder (BED), ARFID & OSFED</li><li>Autism & ADHD</li><li>Gut Issues- Coeliac Disease, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Reflux, Diverticular Disease, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Gastroparesis & Pancreatic Insufficiency</li><li>High Cholesterol</li><li>Fatty Liver</li><li>High Blood Pressure</li><li>Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Insulin Resistance & Type 2 Diabetes</li><li>Women’s Health– PCOS, Endometriosis, Fertility & Pregnancy</li><li>Osteoporosis & Osteopenia</li><li>Iron Deficiency Anaemia & Haemochromatosis</li><li>Intolerances– Gluten & Lactose </li><li>Underweight & Malnutrition</li><li>Vegan & Vegetarian Diets</li><li>Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies</li><li>Cancer</li><li>NDIS</li></ul>
<ul><li>Dietitians Australia (DA)</li><li>College of Dietitians of British Columbia (CDBC)</li><li>Australia & New Zealand Academy For Eating Disorders (ANZAED)</li><li>National Eating Disorder Collaboration (NEDC)</li><li>International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians (IFEDD)</li></ul>
<h4>What are the two things you’d like to ask your Dietwise dog Eddie?</h4>
<p>Actually, I have two very important questions that I need answered.</p><p>“So Eduardo III, tell me the truth. Who do you love more, your dad or me”?</p><p>Now the big question. “What did your parents really look like? A Staffy and a Labrador like we were told”?</p>
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<p>Reach out and tell us how we can help. We would love to hear from you.</p>
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Level 2, 448 Fitzgerald St, North Perth WA 6006
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Caylah Batt
<h1>Caylah Batt</h1>
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<h4>Caylah Batt</h4>
<p><strong>Position</strong><br />Accredited Practising Dietitian<br />Accredited Nutritionist<br /><strong>Pronouns</strong><br />She/Her<br /><strong>Availability</strong><br />Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri & Sat<br />In-person & Telehealth</p>
<h3>My Story</h3>
<p>Hi, I’m Caylah.</p><p>I’m an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist who loves food and helping others.</p><p>I am passionate about helping people have a positive relationship with food and their bodies, which is why I practice Health At Every Size® (HAES®) and use the Non-Diet Approach in my work. I have a strong interest in chronic dieting, disordered eating, eating disorders, and women’s nutrition such as fertility, PCOS, endometriosis and pregnancy. I am officially a low fodmapper myself with lived experience of IBS and the low FODMAP diet.</p><p>Before joining the amazing team at Dietwise, I worked in Community Paediatrics with a focus on fussy eating and infant and children’s nutrition. I’ve also worked in Public Health where I delivered nutrition education programs to improve cooking skills and food literacy, requiring practical hands-on skills to translate the science of nutrition into food on the table. My work in private practice and hospitals has involved supporting people living with diabetes, chronic disease, digestive issues, cancer, and more.</p><p>Growing up on a farm, I’ve always loved the connection to nature and the land, with food and joyful movement being at the centre of this. I love what I do and am excited to work alongside you to help you achieve your nutrition goals in a way that works for you.</p>
<h4>Training & Credentials</h4>
<ul><li>Masters of Dietetics- Curtin University</li><li>Bachelor of Science (Nutrition)- Curtin University</li><li>The Low FODMAP Diet for IBS- Monash University</li><li>The Non-Diet Approach for Dietitians- Health Not Diets</li><li>Community Training for Dietitians: The Essentials- Inside Out Institute For Eating Disorders</li><li>Understanding the Complexities and Management of Binge Eating Disorder (BED) - WAEDOCS</li><li>Evidence-Informed Dietetic Practice for Eating Disorders (QuEDS)</li><li>Implementing a Health At Every Size® Framework for Dietetic Practice - WAEDOCS</li><li>Youth Mental Health First Aider - MHFA</li><li>Public Health Advocacy- PHAIWA</li><li>Neurodiversity Affirming Eating Disorder Care for Dietitians - WAEDOCS</li></ul>
<ul><li>Weight Concerns- Health at Every Size Approach (HAES<sup>Ò</sup>)</li><li>Disordered Eating</li><li>Eating Disorders- Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder (BED), ARFID & OSFED</li><li>Autism & ADHD</li><li>General Healthy Eating</li><li>IBS & Low FODMAP Diet</li><li>Gut Issues- Coeliac Disease, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Reflux, Diverticular Disease, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis & Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (EoE)</li><li>High Cholesterol</li><li>Fatty Liver</li><li>High Blood Pressure</li><li>Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Insulin Resistance & Type 2 Diabetes</li><li>Women’s Health– PCOS, Endometriosis, Fertility & Pregnancy</li><li>Osteoporosis & Osteopenia</li><li>Iron Deficiency Anaemia</li><li>Intolerances– Gluten & Lactose </li><li>Underweight & Malnutrition</li><li>Vegan & Vegetarian Diets</li><li>NDIS</li></ul>
<ul><li>Dietitians Australia (DA)</li><li>National Eating Disorder Collaboration (NEDC)</li></ul>
<h4>Would you rather have a massage or a facial?</h4>
<p>A facial hands down! I am in love with the idea of a massage, but I am the most ticklish person, so I just giggle the entire time. I think I come out of massages tenser than when I walk in.</p>
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Alissa Erneste
<h1>Alissa Erneste</h1>
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<h4>Alissa Erneste</h4>
<p><strong>Position</strong><br />Accredited Practising Dietitian<br />Accredited Nutritionist<br /><strong>Pronouns</strong><br />She/Her<br /><strong>Availability</strong><br />Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri<br />In-person & Telehealth</p>
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<h3>My Story</h3>
<p>Hi there! I’m Alissa, an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist born and raised in Perth, with a proud Italian heritage.</p><p>In my past career, I was a sales assistant by day, and personal trainer and fitness instructor by night! After seven years in these roles, I finally took the plunge to go on to fulfil my long time dream of becoming a Dietitian.</p><p>I started my dietetic career in a private practice specialising in all types of diabetes management including Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes, GDM (gestational diabetes), LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults), and MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young). I also saw patients with a wide range of other chronic health conditions such as high cholesterol, fatty liver, PCOS, endometriosis, and kidney disease to name a few, as well as weight concerns, people experiencing disordered eating or feeling stuck in the chronic dieting cycle. Having worked in a bariatric surgery clinic, I also have experience in managing post-surgical gastrointestinal symptoms and ensuring optimal nutrition status is achieved and maintained to prevent deficiencies. I also have a strong interest in gut health and IBS management, including the implementation of the low FODMAP diet.</p><p>Sparked by my past lived experience, I have always dreamt of providing support to people from all walks of life living with an eating disorder (Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and ARFID). I understand first-hand the importance of working with a team of clinicians who are genuinely compassionate, patient, and well-informed.</p><p>I provide a safe, non-judgmental space with the understanding that everyone’s journey and story is unique. I strive to work with people to create a plan that is as unique as each individual presentation. I’m grateful to join people on their journey as they work towards improving their overall health through nutrition, healing their relationship with food and breaking up with diet culture.</p><p>In my spare time, you’ll find me at the beach or eating out at restaurants and cafes (mostly Italian ones!). I am also a fur-mum of 13 years to Cola the cat, who loves to nap with me on Sunday afternoons.</p>
<h4>Training & Credentials</h4>
<ul><li>Master of Nutrition and Dietetics – Edith Cowan University</li><li>Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition) – Edith Cowan University</li><li>Community Training for Dietitians: The Essentials – Inside Out Institute for Eating Disorders</li><li>Cognitive Behavioural Therapy- Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (CBT-AR) – WAEDOCS</li><li>Low FODMAP Diet and IBS Training – Monash University</li><li>Paediatric Eating and Feeding Course for Dietitians – Maddie Todd</li><li>Type 1 Diabetes Management for Dietitians – Dietitians Australia</li><li>Pre-pregnancy Planning and Care for Women with Diabetes – National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS)</li><li>CPA Nutrition Care Process for Dietitians Working in Disability – Cerebral Palsy Alliance</li><li>Aboriginal Mental Health Training Course – WA Health</li><li>SHIFT: Shifting the Narrative on Obesity – WA Health</li><li>ASCIA Food Allergy e-Training – ASCIA</li><li>Certificate III and IV in Fitness – Australian Institute of Fitness</li><li>Family Based Treatment (FBT) for Children & Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa: The Basics- InsideOut Institute</li><li>Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Eating Disorders. A Practice Based Introduction-InsideOut Institute</li></ul>
<li>Weight Concerns- Health at Every Size Approach (HAES<sup>®</sup>)</li>
<li>Disordered Eating & Picky Eating</li>
<li>Eating Disorders- Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder (BED), ARFID & OSFED</li>
<li>Bariatric Surgery- Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, Band & Balloon</li>
<li>Autism & ADHD</li>
<li>General Healthy Eating</li>
<li>Children’s Nutrition & Family Mealtimes</li>
<li>IBS & Low FODMAP Diet</li>
<li>Gut Issues- Coeliac Disease, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Reflux, Diverticular Disease, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Gastroparesis, Pancreatic Insufficiency & Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (EoE)</li>
<li>High Cholesterol</li>
<li>Fatty Liver</li>
<li>High Blood Pressure</li>
<li>Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Insulin Resistance, Type 1, Type 2 Diabetes, LADA, MODY & Gestational Diabetes</li>
<li>Women’s Health– PCOS, Endometriosis, Fertility & Pregnancy</li>
<li>Osteoporosis & Osteopenia</li>
<li>Iron Deficiency Anaemia & Haemochromatosis</li>
<li>Intolerances– Gluten & Lactose</li>
<li>Underweight & Malnutrition</li>
<li>Vegan & Vegetarian Diets</li>
<li>Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies</li>
<ul><li><p>Dietitians Australia (DA)</p></li><li><p>National Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC)</p></li><li><p>Dietitian Connection<u></u><u></u></p></li></ul>
<h4>If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? </h4>
<p>My Italian Nonna’s homemade gnocchi followed by chocolate for dessert!</p>
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Lily Macfarlane
<h1>Lily Macfarlane</h1>
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<h4>Lily Macfarlane</h4>
<p><strong>Position</strong><br />Accredited Practising Dietitian<br />Accredited Nutritionist<br /><strong>Pronouns</strong><br />She/Her<br /><strong>Availability</strong><br />Wed & Thurs<br />In-person & Telehealth</p>
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<h3>My Story</h3>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Hi, my name is Lily and I’m an Accredited Practising Dietitian.</p><p style="font-weight: 400;">I grew up in the Perth Hills area where my grandparents owned an orchard. From a very young age, I learnt where my food came from, which nurtured my love and passion for everything food. Having half Italian heritage, the Mediterranean diet was everything I knew and connected to. I was immersed in a world of delicious, authentic Italian dishes cooked with love by my Nonna, Mum or Aunties which I now cook for my own 3 children. My love for nutrition then led me to study dietetics in my later years.</p><p style="font-weight: 400;">I have a deep interest in children's nutrition, shaped by my experience as a busy mum of three (ages 1, 3, and 10). Being a parent of a child with coeliac disease and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) has given me insight and understanding of the complexities of getting a diagnosis, the impact from a psychosocial perspective to lunch boxes, parties and meals on the table. In relation to ADHD, I relate with the challenges that come from differences in sensory processing, interoceptive awareness, and executive functioning, as well as the impact of medication and how these factors can make managing nutrition a difficult journey. This has gifted me with the experience to help and support other individuals and families navigating this often overwhelming journey.</p><p style="font-weight: 400;">As a dietitian I also have experience in Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, fatty liver, GORD, and many other chronic diseases. I enjoy supporting nutrition across the lifespan from children’s nutrition through to women’s health, including endometriosis, PCOS, osteoporosis, menopause and older adults. I am also passionate about encouraging body confidence and promoting a positive relationship with food through principles of body positivity, food neutrality, and Health at Every Size<sup>Ò</sup>. I am passionate about tackling the plethora of nutrition misinformation, particularly in a world heavily influenced by social media and constantly changing "nutrition trends."</p><p style="font-weight: 400;">What I LOVE about dietetics is getting to know my patients, their unique story and helping tailor advice to their specific nutrition-related needs. I am grateful for this opportunity to be working alongside an amazing team at Dietwise and I look forward to working with you. </p><p style="font-weight: 400;">I’m a huge fan of mindfulness and meditation, and on the weekends in summer you will find me and my family anywhere near water, paddle boarding and swimming! I particularly love Rottnest Island which holds a special place in my heart, as that’s where I got married.</p><p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p>
<h4>Training & Credentials</h4>
<ul><li><p>Master of Nutrition and Dietetics- Edith Cowan University</p></li><li><p>Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition Bioscience)- Edith Cowan University</p></li><li><p>Paediatric Nutrition for Dietitians- Queensland Health</p></li><li><p>Paediatric Eating and Feeding Course for Dietitians- Maddie Todd</p></li><li>The Management of Eating Disorders in the Community- Inside Out Institute for Eating Disorders<u></u><u></u></li><li>Community Training for Dietitians: The Essentials- Inside Out Institute for Eating Disorders</li><li>Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (CBT-AR) - WAEDOCS</li><li><p>Clinical Dietetics for Bariatric Surgery- Dietitians Australia </p></li><li><p>ASCIA Food Allergy e-Training - ASCIA</p></li></ul>
<ul><li><p>Weight Concerns- Health at Every Size Approach (HAES<sup>Ò</sup>)</p></li><li><p>Disordered Eating & Picky Eating</p></li><li><p>Eating Disorders- Binge Eating Disorder (BED), ARFID, OSFED</p></li><li><p>Bariatric Surgery- Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, Band & Balloon</p></li><li><p>Autism & ADHD</p></li><li><p>General Healthy Eating</p></li><li><p>Children’s Nutrition & Family Mealtimes</p></li><li><p>IBS & Low FODMAP Diet</p></li><li><p>Gut Issues- Coeliac Disease, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Reflux, Diverticular Disease, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Gastroparesis, Pancreatic Insufficiency & Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (EoE)</p></li><li><p>High Cholesterol</p></li><li><p>Fatty Liver</p></li><li><p>High Blood Pressure</p></li><li><p>Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Insulin Resistance, Type 2 Diabetes & Gestational Diabetes</p></li><li><p>Women’s Health– PCOS, Endometriosis, Fertility & Pregnancy</p></li><li><p>Osteoporosis & Osteopenia</p></li><li><p>Iron Deficiency Anaemia & Haemochromatosis</p></li><li><p>Intolerances– Gluten & Lactose </p></li><li><p>Underweight & Malnutrition</p></li><li><p>Vegan & Vegetarian Diets</p></li><li><p>Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies</p></li><li><p>Cancer</p></li><li><p>NDIS</p><ul><li style="list-style-type: none"> </li></ul></li></ul>
<ul><li><p>Dietitians Association </p></li><li><p>Dietitian Connection</p></li></ul>
<h4>My Favourite Quote</h4>
<p>Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.</p><p><em>- Buddha</em></p>
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Georgie Carmichael
<h1>Georgie Carmichael </h1>
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<h4>Georgie Carmichael </h4>
<p><strong>Position</strong><br />Accredited Practising Dietitian<br />Accredited Nutritionist<br /><strong>Pronouns</strong><br />She/Her<br /><strong>Availability</strong><br />Tues, Wed & Thurs<br />In-person & Telehealth</p>
<h3>My Story</h3>
<p>Hi there. My name is Georgie and I am an Accredited Practising Dietitian and passionate foodie. I grew up in a small town in Cornwall, England but have called Perth my home for the last 12 years. My journey with nutrition and passion for all things food started a long time ago after a visit from a dietitian in year 8 at school. I felt a great sense of comfort at that moment, that I had discovered my ‘calling’ in life. After moving to Australia in 2012, I worked across retail and hospitality until I became an Australian Citizen. From there, I was able to commence the journey to fulfil my childhood dream of becoming a dietitian. Through that journey, my dream developed into a passion to help people feel empowered to make nutrition changes by offering a safe space to have a voice and be heard without judgement.</p><p>My journey as a dietitian has also been shaped by my own personal struggles with body image which led me to adopt a weight neutral / Non-Diet Approach in my practice. Having navigated these struggles, I have developed a deep level of compassion for others and understand the importance of creating an environment free of judgement and shame. I strive to empower people in their own personal nutrition journeys, placing them at the centre of our work together and consider their lived experiences, neurotype, values and individual goals.</p><p>In terms of other areas of expertise, I have experience in nutrition for chronic conditions, including PCOS, high cholesterol, fatty liver, chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes. Since having my son in 2022 and facing the many challenges of introducing solids, I developed an interest in paediatric nutrition. Other areas of interest include; food intolerances and allergies, including the Low FODMAP Diet and other digestive issues. </p><p>In my spare time, you will find me chasing my little boy on his bike, cooking Thai food, getting out in nature for a coast walk or sitting on the beach and listening to Mythos by Stephen Fry.</p>
<h4>Training & Credentials</h4>
<ul><li>Master of Nutrition and Dietetics- Edith Cowan University</li><li>Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition Bioscience)- Edith Cowan University</li><li>The Low FODMAP Diet for IBS- Monash University</li><li>Introduction to the Non-Diet Approach - Health Not Diets</li><li>ASCIA Food Allergy e-Training- ASCIA</li><li>Mental Health First Aid- MHFA</li><li>Clinical Yarning eLearning- WA Centre for Rural Health</li><li>Aboriginal Cultural eLearning- East Metro Health Services</li></ul>
<ul><li>Weight Concerns- Health at Every Size Approach (HAES<sup>Ò</sup>)</li><li>General Healthy Eating</li><li>IBS & Low FODMAP Diet</li><li>Gut Issues- Coeliac Disease, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Reflux & Diverticular Disease</li><li>High Cholesterol</li><li>Fatty Liver</li><li>High Blood Pressure</li><li>Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Insulin Resistance & Type 2 Diabetes</li><li>Women’s Health– PCOS, Endometriosis, Fertility & Pregnancy</li><li>Osteoporosis & Osteopenia</li><li>Iron Deficiency Anaemia</li><li>Intolerances– Gluten & Lactose </li><li>Underweight & Malnutrition</li><li>Vegan & Vegetarian Diets</li><li>Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies</li><li>NDIS</li></ul>
<ul><li>Dietitians Australia (DA)</li><li>Dietitian Connection</li></ul>
<h4>If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?</h4>
<p>This would have to be a Cornish pasty, specifically from the bakery in my home town, Philips I love them so much that last time I visited Cornwall, I ate one every day to nourish my soul.</p>
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Cindy Tran
<h1>Cindy Tran</h1>
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<h4>Cindy Tran</h4>
<p><strong>Position</strong><br />Care Coordinator<br /><strong>Pronouns</strong><br />She/Her<br /><strong>Availability</strong><br />Mon, Tues, Wed PM & Fri</p>
<h3>My Story</h3>
<p>Hi I’m Cindy,</p><p>I’m the first point of contact you’ll see at Dietwise with a big smile to make you feel welcome and safe. I’m currently enjoying my gap year from my studies working full-time at Dietwise and hope to be enrolling in the Masters of Dietetics at Curtin University soon.</p><p>I have a Vietnamese background and am very proud to be brought up in a food culture where food for me represents the 3C’s - celebrations, connectedness, and comfort! I believe food is more than just nutrients because the joyful emotions and memories that come with food is what connects us as humans. </p><p>My passion for nourishment, movement and belonging to a work environment like Dietwise is so inspiring to me where the needs of patients are approached with a holistic lens, promoting health using the Health At Every Size® (HAES ®) framework, and commitment to providing a warm, nurturing space to feel comfortable. Dietwise ticks all the boxes for me. I am also a volunteer blog writer for Eating Disorder Families Australia (EDFA) being passionate about the Non-Diet Approach and eating disorder recovery, using my lived experience to ensure that parents and carers are not alone in navigating the complex system of eating disorder treatment. </p><p>In my free time, I enjoy immersing myself in realism art, mainly human portraits, and acrylic painting with pop art influences.</p>
<h4>Training & Credentials</h4>
<ul><li>Bachelor of Science (Nutrition)- Curtin University</li><li>Foundations of Eating Disorders- InsideOut Institute</li></ul>
<ul><li>The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropomtry (ISAK)</li></ul>
<h4>What's the food you refuse to share?</h4>
Cherry Ripe and Kinder Bueno. Ever since I found a knock-off value pack of Kinder Bueno from Aldi I have not looked back! So much more choccie for a cheaper price = even more happiness for me at the Dietwise reception desk.
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Cairo Cameron-Pearson
<h1>Cairo Cameron-Pearson</h1>
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<h4>Cairo Cameron-Pearson</h4>
<p><strong>Position</strong><br />Care Coordinator<br /><strong>Pronouns</strong><br />She/Her<br /><strong>Availability</strong><br />Wed AM, Thurs</p>
<h3>My Story</h3>
Hello there! I'm Cairo, one of the front desk Receptionists/Care Coordinators, dedicated to ensuring your experience at Dietwise is efficient, respectful and courteous with your needs at the centre of everything I do. Drawing from lived experience of ADHD, body image concerns and past disordered eating, I bring a compassionate and empathetic approach to my role, considering the diverse needs of each of our valued clients. Your well-being is my priority, ensuring you feel seen, heard and supported. Currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Health Science (Nutrition Bioscience) I embrace food as a source of pleasure and vitality, promoting a non-diet approach and a holistic, inclusive and sustainable perspective on nutrition.<p>My love for nutrition extends beyond the kitchen, to advocating against diet culture, aiming to empower individuals in their bodies and minds. I'm also interested in food sustainability and the global challenges our food systems face amidst climate change, with aspirations for postgraduate studies in public health and food sustainability.</p><p> </p><p>Beyond the front desk at Dietwise, you'll find me in nature, tending to my vegetable garden and beloved worm farm, and enjoying swimming, snorkelling and (attempting to) surf at the beach. While you wait to meet with our fantastic dietitian team, I'd be delighted to have a chat and prepare a cup of tea for you.</p>
<h4>Training & Credentials</h4>
<ul><li>Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition Bioscience) - Edith Cowan</li><li>Mental Health First Aid - Edith Cowan University</li><li>Certificate II Business</li></ul>
<ul><li> Nutrition Society of Australia </li></ul>
<h4>What’s your go-to comfort meal?</h4>
<p>Definitely a big homemade tofu & veggie bowl, made with fresh herbs and veg from my garden OR steamed potato with hot Nando's sauce!!</p>
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<p><strong>Position<br /></strong>Canine Coordinator of Dietwise Doggos<strong><br />Pronouns</strong><br />Woof<br /><strong>Availability<br /></strong>Weekdays & Sat with a booking<br />In-person<br /><strong>Breed<br /></strong>Pedigree German Shorthaired Pointer</p>
<h3>My Story</h3>
<p>Hi I’m Ella,</p><p>I am one of the resident dogs at Dietwise and call Sonya my mum. I like to call myself top dog, leading our team of awesome Dietwise Doggos. I love connecting with humans of all ages, and acts of kindness is my love language, laying on affection, comfort, and support in the waiting room or during appointments. I am calm, gentle, and friendly to strangers and you guessed it- my passion is mealtime support for our patients with eating disorders. I have a good nose for sensing when our patients may be experiencing increased anxiety and distress and jump into action to help create a safe and calm space. I juggle my time between volunteering work and as an influencer with celebrity status on our Dietwise Instagram and Facebook pages.</p>
<h4>My best party tricks</h4>
<p>My favourite yoga position is the downward dog I perform with treats. I open clinic doors with my nose and as top dog, the Dietitians know I’m a Doggie Diva and their rooms are my rooms.</p>
<p>City Beach Puppy School</p>
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Maternity Leave from 20/5/2024<h4>Eddie</h4>
Boss of Ella<br>
Ask top dog Ella<br>
Tues & Fri with a booking<br>
Don't ask personal questions
<h3>My Story</h3>
<p>Hi I’m Eddie aka Eduardo III</p><p>My Dietitian mum Eryn, who says my dog hair is her glitter, proudly found me a part-time gig at Dietwise. With 10 years of experience under my collar, I am very comfortable and secure letting Ella my colleague think she is top dog. </p><p>In my role, I command a mature and composed presence, learnt from my mum Eryn, and I am skilled at taking the lead from our patients. Make no bones about it. I am living my best life at Dietwise being top of the food chain and the centre of attention when Ella is at the Doggie Diva Groomerie. My job demands laying on luxurious sheepskin bedding, being hand-fed nutritious treats and supporting my fun and talented work colleagues- Sonya, Kirasha, Caylah, Cindy, Alexia and Ella. It’s a dog’s life. My side hustle is as Blog Editor for the digital canine magazine Puppy Leaks. </p>
<h4>Favourite song lyric</h4>
<p>“Every snack you make, every meal you bake, every bite you take…I’ll be watching you.”</p>
<p>10-year lived experience of a dog’s life</p>
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<p><strong>Position<br /></strong>3rd in line to the throne<br /><strong>Pronouns</strong><br />Woof Woof<br /><strong>Availability<br /></strong>Mon, Thurs & Fri with a booking<br />In-person<br /><strong>Breed<br /></strong>Pedigree of course with a dash of Cavalier, Chihuahua & Jack Russel (allegedly)</p>
<h3>My Story</h3>
<p>Hi I’m Reggie or Reginald II in high fashion runway parades.</p><p>Some people may think that I live with small dog syndrome just because I am not the biggest pooch at the park. With a successful modelling career under my collar, I am confident to say that size does not matter. Just saying.</p><p>You could say I am the chic fashionista of Dietwise and I treat the Dietwise corridors like my runway. I have an extensive designer wardrobe because I like to feel good in my fur. My interests include fashion design and I have a reputation for having an eye for detail and interesting use of textured fabrics. I am a spokesmodel for the luxury dog grooming collection, Les Pouchs and freelance as a scout for Animal Direction Modelling Agency.</p><p>I have an excellent work ethic and from the moment my paws set foot at work at Dietwise, I provide a confident and comforting presence with lots of cuddles, either close on your lap (with permission) or from afar. I work part-time and due to my recent A-list celebrity status, my agent is currently in negotiations to increase my hours at Dietwise.</p>
<h4>My best party tricks</h4>
<p>After a few liver shots on a night out at Karaoke, you may hear me singing “I’m Too Sexy”. Sing the chorus with me now folks.</p><p><em>‘I'm a model, you know what I mean, and I do my little turn on the dog walk, </em><em>Yeah, on the dog walk, on the dog walk, yeah, </em><em>I wag my little tail on the dog walk”</em></p>
<p>Grooming and Deportment- Animal Direction UK<br /><br />Pet Apparel and Lifestyle Product Design- NY Fashion Institute of Technology.</p>
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