Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa (BN) is characterised by eating a large amount of food (binging) in a short period of time. It is followed by compensatory behaviours such as self-induced vomiting, fasting, excessive exercise, using laxatives or diuretics, or using other medications to control body weight. The risks associated with BN are serious and include:

  • Throat – Chronic sore throat, indigestion, reflux, inflamed or ruptured oesophagus 
  • Heart – irregular or slow heartbeat, fainting, dizziness
  • Stomach and intestines – ulcers, irregular bowel movements, constipation, and diarrhoea 
  • Hormones – irregular or absent period, infertility​
How our dietitians can help with Bulimia Nervosa: 
  • Education on bulimia nervosa including neurobiology, interplay with neurodivergence (ASD/ADHD), clarifying common misconceptions, and understanding the different eating disorder treatment models
  • Education on the role of nutrition restoration on physical, social, and emotional wellbeing
  • Providing specific guidance on gold-standard GP medical monitoring to ensure medical safety and minimise risk, including frequency of monitoring
  • Support to cease compensatory behaviours including vomiting, laxative abuse, compulsive exercise
  • Challenging false beliefs about food, nutrition and weight
  • Providing nutrition therapy to achieve or maintain medical stability, reverse malnutrition, prevent refeeding syndrome, restore menstruation (if relevant) and resume growth and normal development if a child or adolescent
  • Creating personalised staged meal plans for renourishment and in FBT, empowering caregivers to play an active role in refeeding and normalising eating behaviours
  • Reducing distress around food, including thoughts, emotions, and distressing digestive symptoms such as nausea, bloating, pain, early fullness, constipation or diarrhoea
  • Identifying and challenging fear foods, food rules, food rituals and other disordered behaviours
  • Providing guidance on vitamin and mineral supplementation
  • Taste testing of medical nutrition supplement drinks and scripts to purchase them at a reduced price
  • Providing in-session meal support to help rebuild and model healthy eating behaviours in a safe and controlled way. We support a team approach and our Dietwise dogs Ella, Eddie and Reggie can join us too

Learn more about how our dietitians support your recovery

We believe recovery from Bulimia Nervosa is possible and we will work closely with your treatment team. Our Dietitians use evidence-based treatment approaches such as: enhanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy-Enhanced (CBT-E), Family Based Treatment (FBT) and the principles of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT). 

Learn more about warning signs and health impacts of Bulimia Nervosa

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Level 2, 448 Fitzgerald St, North Perth WA 6006